I first met 2infinity at the beginning of 2022, and in a short six months, [they have] completely revolutionized our sales organization. As a fledgling team of 3, I came to [2infinity] with multiple needs, and not all of them were well defined. I knew we needed sales reps, both senior and junior, and I knew we needed sales support in the form of sales management, sales engineering, and sales operations. We were quickly mobilized and fielding numerous qualified applicants, all the while learning from each and honing in our own candidate review process. With the help of 2infinity, we have effectively scaled to an organization of 15 in just six months across Account Executives, Sales Managers, Sales Engineering, and Sales Operations. Our partnership has positioned our company well for our next stage of growth with the conclusion of our newest round of financing. I'm excited to continue working with 2infinity across not only our sales talent needs, but in other areas such as marketing, CX, product and engineering as well.