
Niall McNiff

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Interview Tips

Interview Tips

  • Your interview starts the minute you walk in the door. Make sure you are professionally dressed for all interviews, even if the office environment is casual. It is better being overdressed than under.
  • You'll probably feel the need to be humble, but don't. Shameless self-promotion is a good thing in job interviews. The main feedback we get from hiring managers on where candidates fall down is they do not go into enough detail to show case your experience. When answering a question make sure you use plenty of examples that clearly shows the work you have done and the knowledge you have.
  • Preparation is Key- Don’t go into the interview without doing preparation on the company itself. Do your research. Make sure you know exactly what they do, the products/ services they have, know who their competitors are, have they been in the news recently. This is the easy part of the interview don’t let lack of preparation let you down.
  • Your CV- Make sure you know your CV inside out. Go over exactly what you did, they technologies you have used and any achievements you had while working on the individual projects. It’s a good idea to bring along 3 copies of your CV. One for yourself, one for interviewer and a spare in case the interviewer brings a colleague with him.

Sample questions they may ask you:

  • Why should we hire YOU?
  • Why are you interested in this job?
  • What sort of company would you like to work for?
  • Describe your current job and responsibilities.
  • What are your salary demands?
  • What experience do you have?
  • How do your skills and experience relate to this job?
  • What technologies and projects have you worked on?
  • What are your achievements in your current job?
  • What do you really want to do in your next career move?
  • Why would you like to work for our organisation?
  • What do you want to be doing in your career, five years from now?
  • What style of management gets the best from you?
  • What interests you about our products and services?
  • What would your previous employers say about you?

Questions for you to ask:

  • What will the job entail from day one?
  • Who will I be reporting to?
  • What are the training opportunities?
  • How many other people will be working on my project / in my department?
  • What is the culture of the company like?
  • Please outline the competitive environment in which the organisation operates.
  • What resources are available/needed to do the job?
  • What are the main overall objectives and responsibilities of the position?