Nathan Laidlaw

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Contact Nathan Laidlaw

PHP Laravel Developer - Full Stack

Status: Seeking new product / techforgood opportunity
Location: Hampshire
Desired location: Remote
Basic salary: 55000
Exp. years: 12
Specialisms: PHP, Laravel, JavaScript, Vue.js, Restful API's
Job Type: Permanent
Availability: 4 weeks notice

Full Stack PHP Laravel Developer based in Southampton, currently working within thne Digital Media space, seeks a new opportuinty which allows for remote working and a focus on quality. 

Ideally he is looking for a product company that is solving a problem, or sits within the techforgood space.

Looking for a Senior role where he can be part of a team using a broad range of technology and learn from other developers. 

Please contact me to interview this candidate within 24 hours. 1 month notice period required to start.

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