Nathan Adams

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Contact Nathan Adams

Apprenticeship Business Development Manager

Status: Open to new roles
Location: Yorkshire
Desired location: Remote
Basic salary: £32,000 + comms
Exp. years: 10 years
Specialisms: Levy and SME
Job Type: Permanent
Availability: 4 week notice period

BDL are representing fantastic candidate looking for a new opportuntity in the sector. After being with their current employer for over five years, they feel it is time for a change. 

This candidate is not looking for a 'quick fix' they want to join an organisation where they are valued and can develop within the business for the next 5-10 years. Open to an organisation of any size and specialism. 


- Targeted at achieving between 10 - 20 starts per month 

- Achieved 150% of target so far

- Standards covered: Commercial, Digital, Manufacturing, Care and Commercial 

- High energy - loves the sector 

- Open to home based with occasional travel or if local, more frequent

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