University, Education Studies & Early Years (GRADE: FIRST)
Masters, Psychology of Education (GRADE: DISTINCTION)
Head Prefect, selected as a Head Prefect; one of only 12 in her previous School. This meant she had to organise herself, as well as others in a multitude of educational & extra-curricular duties
Gymnast of the Year, she practiced and coached gymnastics at her local club for 10 years, where she was nominated ‘Intermediate Gymnast of the Year’ for 3 consecutive years; and won several silver and gold medals for her school team in regional competition
Various Duke of Edinburgh Awards, she passed bronze, silver and gold Duke of Edinburgh awards volunteered at a food bank locally which was a rewarding way to experience a wider community and help others less fortunate than herself
She travelled to Peru, where she completed various tasks aiding some of their most in-need communities. These included helping local schools and orphanages with building and refurbishing new classrooms, as well as looking after the younger students.
Course representative at University, responsible for providing a ‘voice’ for her fellow course members