Jon Gould

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Contact Jon Gould

Senior Python Developer - Renewable Energy

Status: Interviewing
Location: London
Desired location: London / Hybrid
Basic salary: £70-80,000
Exp. years: 8-10
Job Type: Permanent
Availability: Immediate

Senior Software Engineer - Looking to work within EV or Renewable Energy sectors

An adaptable and forward-thinking Senior Software Engineer with 14  years industry experience and a wide range of skills and knowledge.  Experience of the product lifecycle  from initial product inception and design through to scale manufacture. 

Experienced in system and architecture design, software  development and project and team  management. Also experienced in all  recent versions of Windows, MacOS and major Linux distros. 


Areas of Strength 

Architecture and System Design Software Development 

People Management Team Motivation 

Database Design Scalability Improvements 

Supplier Liaising Procedure Composition 


Personal Skills 

Leadership Adaptable Articulate 

Forward-thinking Dynamic Driven 

Resourceful Confident Enthusiastic 



Senior Software Engineer (October 2021 - June 2022) 

Involved in the design, maintenance and improvement of the software platform the company uses to acquire power-usage data for a device from a smart-plug. This data is then processed to predict faults and give up-to-date information on the amount and type of power being used via the front-end app. 

Responsibilities & Duties 

  • Construct sprint planning and goals for the development team 

  • System architecture design and improvement using various AWS Services 

  • Infrastructure as Code design and configuration using AWS Cloudformation  

  • API design using GraphQL deployed using AWS AppSync with database and AWS Lambda data sources 

  • Data ingress and processing via AWS IoT Core and AWS Kinesis 

  • Securing APIs and web applicatons using AWS Cognito 

  • Deploying machine learning models using AWS SageMaker and EKS/Kubernetes 

  • Serverless microservice design using AWS Lambda, AWS Glue and ECS with Docker containers 

  • CI/CD pipeline design using Github Actions 

  • Database design with PostgreSQL deployed on AWS Aurora clusters 

  • Database API design using SQLAlchemy deployed on AWS Lambda



Senior Software Architect (April 2019 - October 2021) 

Embedded Software Engineer (October 2017 - April 2019) 

Involved in the design and manufacture of active ear defenders to protect the hearing of  workers “in noise” while still keeping their environmental awareness. 

Involved in the design, maintenance and improvement of both the front and back-end of the website, services, databases and system architecture used to store, analyse and display captured data. 

Responsibilities & Duties 

  • Engineering team management throughout the design and manufacture process, organising  and hiring members of staff of various levels of experience 

  • Project management using Trello, Asana and Jira, organising problem-solving meetings and  doing risk assessment while working to Agile principles 

  • System architecture design using AWS EC2 and RDS 

  • Serverless microservice design using AWS Lambda and EKS/Kubernetes with Docker containers 

  • CI/CD pipeline design using Github Actions and AWS CodePipeline/CodeBuild 

  • Infrastructure as Code design and configuration using Ansible and Terraform 

  • Back-end software development and REST API design using Django, Flask and PHP for the  inventory system and data analysis services 

  • Database design with MariaDB, MySQL and PostgreSQL relational databases and MongoDB document store 

  • Designing and creating production jigs with Python, Tkinter and PyQT for testing and  manufacture 



R&D Firmware Design Engineer (November 2008 - August 2017) 

Involved in projects related to electronic smoke generation used to test that commercial smoke  alarms conformed to legal regulations. 

Responsibilities & Duties 

  • Lead Firmware Design Engineer using Embedded C on NXP Kinetis M0+, Silicon Labs EFM8  and Microchip PIC18 microcontrollers 

  • Lead Software Design Engineer using Visual C++ .Net for writing V&V testing software and firmware upgrade tools 

  • Project Management on multiple projects using Redmine 


Education and Qualifications 

University  (2002 - 2008) 

• MSc Eng in Electronic, Computer and Communcations Engineering 

• BEng (Hons) in Electronic and Computer Engineering 

• MSc Eng in Electronic, Computer and Communications Engineering 

• Towards Physics BSc 

School (1995 - 2002) 

A Levels in Computer Science, Maths and Physics 


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