Protocol engineer that isa core contributor to a novel protocol. Primarily responsible for architecting and developing solutions for its execution and distributed computer layer. This included developing Native Execution VM and High Wire Efficiency Serialization Scheme.
• Programming – Golang, Rust, Python, Dart, C/C++, JavaScript, WebAssembly
• Distributeded Networks & Cryptography - libp2p, Gossip Communication, Distributed Message Queues, Kademlia DHT, Content Addressability, Zero Knowledge Cryptography, Elliptic Curve Cryptography, Secret Sharing Schemes, Distributed Data Replication, Multiparty Computation, Decentralized Virtual Machines, Distributed Consensus & Byzantine Fault Tolerance
• Computation - Compiler & Language Design, Procedural Virtual Machines, Parrot and BEAM VMs, WASI Ethereum Virtual Machine
• Web3 Frameworks - Ethereum, Bitcoin, Polygon, Cosmos, Substrate, Geth, IPFS CosmWasm, Parity Ink!, Web3.js, Truffle, Metamask