
Daniel Winer

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The changing world due to COVID has forced a huge number of organisations and companies across most, if not every sector to re-evaluate their business models. For many this has highlighted areas in which to implement changes both large and small to meet the new challenges faced across the world.

This has been notably the case in the Recruitment sector, particularly with smaller agencies who have been able to be highly flexible in their strategies. In many ways the effects in this area of the changing world have been largely positive. It feels a bit strange to write, but here’s how COVID has actually helped your job or candidate hunt…

With the decrease in available positions due to closures and lockdowns last year, talent acquirers have been able to draw from a greatly increased pool of skilled and talented candidates, many of whom might have taken this opportunity to broaden their horizons and seek out some more diverse challenges in a new business area. Unfortunately this large number of quality candidates was faced with a significantly smaller number of available roles, though now hopefully this will start to pick up again. Whilst this, clearly is not ideal from a job hunting perspective, some comfort can be drawn from the knowledge that with fewer jobs to fill, recruiters have been able to take the time to master the art of the perfect match.

By looking further than a CV and having a bit of time to understand more about the person behind it, talent acquirers can make much better judgment calls about who will be a good fit, not just for their skill set, but for their personality as well. A good percentage of people will have experienced, at one time or another, how it feels to work in an environment where you or someone you know just doesn’t fit comfortably with the dynamic, and it can have a negative effect on either the person or in fact the team as a whole. So by matching a candidate to a role based on the person as a whole, the recruiter is greatly broadening the chances that this match will be positive for both the candidate, their new employer and their new colleagues.

Obviously this works the other way around as well, from an employers point of view the extra time for attention to detail and the ability to offer one or a selection of top quality candidates rather than high quantities of any available who tick enough boxes can only be positive.

The move in this direction has already shown its benefits all round and the smart organisations will be building their business models for the future around it. The effects of having the right people in the right roles, or of being in the right position yourself are immediately apparent and - strangely - we sort of have COVID to thank for it.

Contact us today if you'd like to discuss our services in more detail.