Cian Murphy

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Contact Cian Murphy

Senior Software Engineer

Status: Available for work
Location: Fully Remote
Desired location: Fully Remote
Basic salary: €95,000
Exp. years: 12 years
Availability: 4 weeks

Senior Software Engineer 

With 11 years of professional experience in the field of Software Engineering, this candidate has taken positions as a Full Stack Engineer, DevOps Engineer, Technical Lead and Software Architect. He can provide Solutions to tackle project problems in terms of development, architecture, integration, configuration, deployment, observability, and evolution. He enjoys doing talks and writing technical articles to show the return on his experiences and he is also involved in building open-source projects. His philosophy is to learn from people as well as bring knowledge to them.




2011 - 2012 M.Sc. - Master of Science, Computer Sciences

2007 - 2009 B.Eng. - Bachelor of Engineering, Electrical Engineering




Methodologies - BDD, TDD, Hexagonal, DDD, Clean code, Craftmanship

Backend - Java 17 (Spring Framework, Quarkus, Hibernate), Node.js

Frontend - Angular 14, React 18, SASS, TailwindCSS, Material Design

Backend Tests - JUnit, Mockito, AssertJ, Testcontainers, Cucumber, Gatling Container Tools - Docker (Compose), K8s, K9s, Minikube, Helm, Istio, Rancher

Frontend Tests - Jest, Mocha, Karma, Jasmine, Chai, Sinon, Selenium

CICD- GitHub Actions, GitlabCI, Jenkins, Azure DevOps, TeamCity

Cypress Infrastructure - Ansible, Argo, Terraform, Vault

Monitoring - Prometheus, ELK, JMeter, OpenTelemetry, Datadog, Grafana

Persitence - MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch, SolR




Speaker, Moderator, Member of the - 2021 - present 

  • Participated in 6 conferences on Software Architecture, DevOps, Java, QA and Node.js.
  • Gave 3 talks on JHipster, Prometheus & Grafana and Quarkus.
  • He is also regularly a moderator and part of the program committee responsible to pick relevant subjects for the conferences.


Distinguished Engineer - Permanent - digital consulting company - 2022 (3 months)

  • Lead an agile team of 4 Software Engineers on an online Marketplace backend 
  • Stack: Java 11, Spring Boot, Lombok, Spring Cloud Data Flow, Hystrix, OpenAPI, Hibernate, JUnit, Mockito, AssertJ, RESTAssured, Maven, MongoDB, Fluentd, Elastic Cloud, Kibana, Cloud Orange, Docker, K8s, K9s, Azure DevOps, Microservices, Hexagonal Architecture, DDD


Technical Leader - Permanent - web-based time tracking tool - 2022 (5 months)

  • Lead an agile team of 5 Senior Software Engineers on the modularization of a SaaS wealth management platform backend.
  • Stack: Java 17, Lombok, Quarkus, Panache, Microprofile, OpenAPI, Kafka, JUnit, Mockito, AssertJ, Testcontainers, RESTAssured, Debezium, Gradle, PostgreSQL, Liquibase, Docker, K8s, K9s, GitlabCI, Argo, Jenkins, Rancher, SonarQube, Snyk, Vault, Microservices, Hexagonal Architecture, DDD, Jira


Solutions Architect - Permanent - editor in the field of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence - 2022 (4 months)

  • Lead a team of 3 Technical consultants and participated in the architecture of an AI-powered platform to converge structured and unstructured data into a unified storage and processing knowledge model. inspired by the semantic Web.
  • Stack: Java 11, Spring Boot, Lombok, Kafka, Zookeeper, Maven, MySQL, SolR, ElasticSearch, AngularJS, Angular 13, RxJs, NgRx, Bitbucket, Jenkins, SonarQube


Lead Developer, DevOps - Contract - governmental agency - 2021 (1 year)

  • Implemented a Geographical Information System REST API that covers the handling of geolocation, reverse-geolocation, itinerary searches, and isochrones. Created an open-source project that renders interactive maps and displays coordinates points from addresses and itineraries
  • Stack: Java 8, Java EE 8, Hibernate, Lombok, JMX, Micrometer, OpenAPI, JUnit, Mockito, AssertJ, RESTassured, React, TailwindCSS, TypeScript, Leaflet, Webpack, Maven, K8s, K9s, Jenkins, Concourse CI, SonarQube, Gitlab, Github


  • Implemented a system that allows users to retrieve data regarding habilitation management inside the broad collection of entries in LDAP dictionaries. Created an open-source project that executes POSTMAN collections tests and generates a response and a report.
  • Stack: Java 8, Java EE 7, Hibernate, JUnit, Mockito, AssertJ, RESTassured, Maven, Jenkins, Proven, SonarQube, Gitlab


  • Implemented a Secret Keys Encryption System using Vault.
  • Stack: Java 11, Spring Boot, Hibernate, OpenAPI, JUnit, Mockito, AssertJ, RESTassured, Maven, Docker, K8s, K9s, Jenkins, Concourse CI, TAS / TKGI SonarQube, Gitlab


Technical Interviewer, Mentor - Permanent - Consulting company - 2021 (1 year)

  • Senior Software Engineer employed as a consultant, he was also conducting technical interviews for aspiring employees, mentoring junior to senior consultants and doing talks for the company.


Lead Developer - Contract - Global high-end shipping services - 2020 (7 months)

  • Co-Lead a team of 3 Software Engineers on a fine-art quoting and shipping software. frontend.
  • Stack: Angular 8, Angular Material, TypeScript, Jasmine, Cypress, BEM, Webpack, Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, AWS, SonarQube, Github, Github Actions


Technical Interviewer, Web Developer - Permanent - 2020 (8 months)

  • Senior Software Engineer employed as a consultant, he was conducting technical interviews for aspiring employees and improved the company website.


Senior Software Engineer - Freelance - 2018-2020

  • Software expert in a team of 5 other engineers, he worked on the improvement of a custom-made ERP of expertise on IT solutions in the 4.0 industry.
  • Stack: Windev, Windev Mobile, SQL Server


Senior Software Engineer - Permanent - mobile device management platform???????

  • Implemented a Software that manages the resources for NGOs beneficiaries in Salvador.
  • Stack: Java 8, Spring Boot, Hibernate, JHipster, Liquibase, MySQL, OpenAPI, JUnit, Mockito, AssertJ, Gradle, Angular 4, RxJS, Jasmine, Selenium, Jira, Bitbucket, Bamboo

Senior Software Engineer - Permanent - information technology and services company - 2012-2017

  • Participated to the development from scratch of an identification, collection, analysis, and research system of heterogeneous log data , coming from devices or applications.
  • Stack: Java 8, Guice, Hibernate, Kafka, Zookeper, JUnit, Mockito, AssertJ, Redis, Hazelcast, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, Flume, Jetty, Tomcat, Nginx, Gradle, Angular 2, Polymer, JQuery, Grunt / Gulp.js, SASS, D3.js, Material Design, Bootstrap 3, Karma, Mocha, Chai, Sinon.js, Bower, Selenium, Upsource, Gitlab

Graduate Researcher - 2011-2012

  • Implemented an Android platform gathering several applications related to monitoring the health of population using a smartphone and accessible wearable sensors. The application I completed was a mastication counting app.
  • Stack: Java 7, Android, Hibernate, MySQL, JUnit, Mockito, AssertJ, Maven, SVN, TortoiseSVN

Software Developer - Internship 2011 (6months)

  • he did a software engineer intern within a team made up of ten people. He worked on the ticketing management software project for national stadiums.
  • Stack: C#.NET, WCF, WPF, Entity Framework, Visual Studio, Team Fondation Server




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